In Defense Of The Constitution

News & Analysis

December 19, 2011

CAIR:  Upholding America’s Founding Principles? (...Or Not)

     Nihad Awad, co-founder of the terrorist supporting front group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is once again "standing up" for true American principles.  The source of Awad’s sudden "appreciation" of American principles is spelled out in CAIR’s reaction to Lowe’s, an American company, pulling its advertising from a low rated "reality" cable TV program criticized as propaganda called “All-American Muslim”.

     Awad claims that Lowe’s pulled its advertising in reaction to the efforts of the "Florida Family Association" which Awad claims is part of an organization of “anti-Muslim hate groups”.  Lowe's said they pulled their ads because the show had become a "lightning rod for people to voice complaints from a variety of perspectives - political, social and otherwise."  Another advertiser,, ended their ad support because the show "sucked".

     Awad rants:  “We are not alone in this fight -- several celebrities, media outlets and elected officials have spoken out against Lowe's capitulation to bigotry. Our staff are putting time and effort into this campaign...”

     Exactly what is CAIR campaigning for? 

     Is the goal to force Lowe’s to financially support a controversial program that Lowe’s doesn’t want associated with its image?

     Awad declares; “This is a fight our community cannot afford to lose.”

     So, the entire American Muslim population has its whole American experience tied up with “All-American Muslim”?  Although CAIR attempts to paint a horrific picture if  "All American Muslim" loses sponsorship and fails, at worst a few more American's who happen to be Muslim will lose their jobs playing to the camera on a little-watched TV program. That's show-biz.

     Americans, Muslim or not, have absolutely nothing to lose if Lowe’s refuses to reinstate sponsorship. We all have much more to lose if Lowe’s bows down to pressure from CAIR, an Islamist hate group co-founded by a hate-filled religious bigot, and bonifide terrorists. At least Lowe’s is honest where they stand - which is much more than you can say for Awad and his ilk.

     Bottom line. If Awad believes so much in “All-American Muslim” why doesn’t CAIR cough up some of their foreign funds and become a sponsor of the program?

     Put up or shut up, Nihad.

Andrew Whitehead

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